Online Course Exchange

Online Course Exchange Courses

Are you interested in an elective course that Heritage isn’t offering this semester? Do you need to take a course out of sequence? Are you missing a course that you need to graduate?

Heritage has access to an Online Course Exchange, which means you have access to online, asynchronous courses hosted by other accredited institutions, effectively expanding HU course offerings and helping students stay on track to timely graduation.

For more information, email both your academic advisor and the Online Course Exchange Liaison at

Online vs. Asynchronous

Most of the online classes Heritage offers are synchronous, meaning you will be meeting with your instructor and other students on Zoom at the same time every week. However, some classes are asynchronous, meaning you don’t meet with your instructor and other students and you work through the course content on your own. You still have access to your instructor, typically by appointment or office hours online. There are still due dates for assignments in asynchronous courses, but you can move faster through a class if you choose.

Online Readiness Self-Assessment

Is taking an asynchronous online class a good fit for you? Asynchronous online learning requires different skills than learning in a traditional face-to-face or in-real-time on Zoom class. It’s important to know what you’re getting into and to understand the kind of commitment that’s necessary for success. You can get a good idea of your readiness for asynchronous online learning by filling out the following assessment.

Please discuss the results of this self-assessment with your advisor prior to registering for asynchronous online courses.

Online Readiness Self-Assessment